Profile Summary

A Software Engineer, Mathematician and Data Scientist; striving to make the world a better place one line of code at a time

Born and raised in Nigeria, admitted to the most selective global liberal arts college and studying in 7 international cities over 4 years.

Imperfect, aware, and ever changing with each new experience.

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What i do

My major services

RShiny / RStudio

Flask, Django, Postgres, HTML


Wix / WordPress Websites

RStudio Data Analysis

Python - Pandas, Scikit-learn

Excel Data Formatting

Predictive Modeling

Selenium Web Scraping

API Creation/Data Fetching

Database Management

UIPath Robotic Process Automation


Recent works

Shiny app / RStudio

Interactive app for identifying natural disaster trends through live tweets

This dashboard is my latest attempt in the use of RStudio and RShiny for web app/dashboard development. This dashboard is an avenue for users to interact with live Twitter data retrieved ...

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JQuery App/ Chatbot

JQuery Chatbot for Unilever Argentina

During my tenure as a software engineering intern at Unilever Argentina, I worked as a member of a 4-man agile team to create a chatbot for data collection. Built with a JQuery library, together with HTML, CSS and Javascript languages, this chatbot enabled the company collect and group worker tasks based on automability using automation processes. Unfortunately, neither a demo nor the source code for the app could be shared for confidentiality reasons.

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Fun achievements

Countries explored 0
Cups of coffee 0
Lines of code 0

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