
Checkout a few of my works

Robotic Process Automation Certification

Certifications for Robotic Process Automation Using UIPath

After an internship with Unilever as a software engineering intern, I gained a candid interest in the concept of robotic process automation(RPAs). Eager to learn more about this field which is considered as the fastest growing market in enterprise software. A week long intense study of UIPath(a top automation software in the field of RPAs) has left me conscious of one thing: there is perhaps an endlessness to the possible use cases of RPAs, and its utility to society as we know it.

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Kwickdemy is just one step in my journey to improving the teaching and learning experience for high schoolers in Nigeria. Excelling in the subject throughout my high school years, it came as a pain that some of my peers grappled with concepts in Mathematics. I attributed this problem to a difference in learning rates between each and every student, and the failure of the lecture based teaching methods in fulfilling individual needs thereof. Kwickdemy is a web application aimed at personalizing this learning experience for students. It does so by tracking students learning rates and level of understanding of a concept, and consequently matching these measurements with improvement materials suitable for that student. Kwickdemy is still a work in progress, and would have its first prototype released by the the summer of 2020.

Shiny app / RStudio

Interactive app for identifying natural disaster trends through live tweets

This dashboard is my latest attempt in the use of RStudio and RShiny for web app/dashboard development. This dashboard is an avenue for users to interact with live Twitter data retrieved using the Twitter API R package rtweet. The primary purpose of the app is for acquiring a general overview of arising issues (primarily natural disasters) through Twitter users tweets and texts, and was inspired by this article.

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JQuery App/ Chatbot

JQuery Chatbot for Unilever Argentina

During my tenure as a software engineering intern at Unilever, I was an integral member of a 4-man agile team tasked with the role of building a custom Unilever chatbot for data collection. Built with a JQuery library, together with HTML, CSS and Javascript languages, this chatbot enabled the company collect and group worker tasks based on automability. Unfortunately, neither a demo nor the source code for the app could be shared for confidentiality reasons.

Shiny app / RStudio

Interactive app for US State GDP Index Data

This dashboard is one of my earliest attempt in the use of RStudio and RShiny for web app/dashboard development. The dataset consists of state economy leading index data for all the states in the US between the periods of 1982 and 2019, together with the US GDP during that period. Through the advanced analytics dashboard, users can compare the different state economy leading index data across different years and explore correlations between values for different states.

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API build using Swagger UI

An API for the Minerva Artscape web app

This project involved working in teams to build a fully functional web application as a part of the Minerva Software Developement group. As a part of the API team, I worked on building this API using the swagger UI interface.

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Optimization with Python

The Perfect Boat Cruise

When planning events, making decisions and even cooking meal, there are always quoatas to be met. Even life itself is an optimization problem. In this paper, I explore the intuition behind organizing the perfect boat cruise by solving a convex optimization problem using Python.

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Mathematical and Predictive Modeling

The FitzHugh Nagumo Equations

The Fitz Nagumo equations are a pair of simultaneous first order differential equations used for modeling the action potential in a nerve. In this paper, I explore solutions to the Fitz Nagumo equations using different techniques for solving first order differential equations.

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